Lake Powell end of May first of June '08

Lake Powell with the Fernandez family was our next stop. A week of boating, tanning, and great food was enough to make us not want to leave. Greg showed off his skiing skills while I waked boarded a little and we both surfed. One day we swam up a little crack in the 200 ft cliff. we probably got back about 50 yds till it got to narrow for us to fit through :-) We also had some pretty intense games of mexican train going on and a big bomb-fire where whitney, taylor, and meckell burned all of their school work from the last year while we blaired the song "Schools out for the summer" over and over again. We also got caught in a rain storm that after a while we were watching waterfalls coming down from the cliffs, it was one of the best lake powell trips ever!

Greg showed off for us all week :-) He's quite the skier and made it look way too easy

Getting up was a little tough, but I couldn't let the broken wrist hold me down, so basiclly I boarded one handed all week. But so well worth it and fun. I love the sport!

This was our group! We had the Fernandez family, the Stauman's, Julie and Whitney, and us. Great group and loads of fun.

We hiked to some indian ruins up forgotton canyon. This picture is actually in one of the dwellings.

During the week Greg hurt his hand and was in a wrap for a while. Officially we were named the "crippled couple"
We also were both reading Harry Potter!!! I was one 7 (again) and greg 6, Kellan was a great listener, he kept stealing my book and acting like he was reading it and then would start talking "green eggs and ham" I love this kid! Plus he felt in style barrowing my glasses all wk!

There was a huge rain storm that week. It rained for like 8 hours. There was so much water that we watched waterfalls coming off the rocks. Amazing. The water rose like 15 inches that day, where the other days it was rising about 8-10 a day.

We had a great time and are so thankful that the Besi and Sean invited us. We love there family and always have so much fun with them!

1 comment:

Jer or Stef said...

mal, its about time! Love it! If you have any questions, ask, I've learned a thing or two lately!