Random pictures from 2009

 Body Works exhibit and Climbing at Momentum.

Night Skiing

Solitude Ski Resort

Winter Campout. White Pine

Snow Shoe up Days Fork.

Snow shoe up Lake Blache with John and Corrianne

Greg's first back country ski trip with his buddies!

The start of a whole new way of skiing!

 My First ever homemade lasagna!!!

Greg's Lab at the U. Where he spent most of his time.

Field work in the GSL Wetlands. He spent lots of time out there.

Bill Johnson, Greg's advisor

Greg and Abby getting a sample.

The confluence of the fresh and salt water of the GSL.

Mallary working 9 days in a row so we could go on a couple longer trips on either end of the pay period. Woot Woot!

Boating on Utah lake with the Gillespie family.

Temple with Jord after he came home from his mission.

Greg's first 24 hour study in the Duck Club wetlands.

Greg and Nate fishing Diamond Fork Creek

Gunner playing with the Titans. What a handsome kid!

Fishing Strawberry with a fun crew.

Greg teaching his 5th grade TGILL class. Already getting them ready to be his field assistants.

Fishing Lake X with the boys. 

Enjoying the evening, Mal tying flies and Greg writing in his journal.


What we gave the family. Each photo has a great story or experience with it!

Sunday dinner at the Carlings, so fun!

Playing ball for Lakeridge bantam teams.

Mother and Daughter at the sunshine tourny in St. George.