Our Latest and Greatest

Recently we all hopped in the car and went to Canada on a trip to celebrate Greg graduating with his PhD in Geology! We had a superb time and loved every bit of our road trip. We drove through 6 different National Parks... Glacier (in Montana), and in Canada, (Waterton, Banff, Jasper, Kootney, and Yoho). We also drove through a few of their provincial (state) parks and those we're just as, if more, amazing. We did alot of hiking in the parks. Greg would throw Gage on his back and we'd head off. Gage loved it. He would wave to all the people passing by and always wanted a stick or rocks in his hands, then would throw them in a puddle, river, or lake as soon as he could. He also loved all the animals and would chase after them if we weren't holding him. Greg, on the other hand was chasing all the glaciers he could find. There were some parts that reminded us of Alaska and the lakes... amazing! the color is such a beautiful blue.  I put together a quick slideshow of a bunch of our pictures. Hope you enjoy.

PS: The best part is that if you were to drive all the way through from SLC it is only about 10 hours to Glacier and about 15 hours to Banff. So close!

PSS: The other best thing about this trip is that Gage loved sleeping in the tent! We camped for about 2 weeks and he'd only wake up once, maybe twice and a few of the nights he slept through!!! My first good sleep in over a year! Yay


The Nicholsons said...

These pictures are beautiful! It really looks like you guys had a blast!

Stacy Holmes said...

You are way too cool..You make me want to sing Oh Canada!