It's a New Life...

Gage's first few weeks: Part 1 of 3

It seems as though I blinked and all of a sudden I'm back to work and Gage is 3 months old. Time has flown by and because of that I haven't kept up on the blog. So like I always do, I will be trying to catch up a little at a time.

Gage Spencer
our little miracle...

Right out of the womb he was already giving us all sorts of faces.

My handsome baby boy was born! It was an absolutely beautiful moment and memory Greg and I will never forget. Gage was and still is the most beautiful and perfect little boy, but of course I'm totally biased ;-) Everything with the delivery went great. No complications, no worries, just the miracle of giving birth. From the first scream out of the womb, to his nasty little tar- like diapers, to his beautiful dark hair this little boy has been our pride and joy. We still haven't been able to take our eyes off him; every little movement, sound, facial expression brings such great joy and excitement.

Bringing him home was when it finally felt real. I was nervous and prayed that everything would go fine and that Greg and I would be good parents and not hurt this little guy... So far it's been good, he hasn't been dropped yet and is growing like a mad-man!

Gage seemed to take to the house and has always loved going outside. He settles right down and gets big eyes while he tries to take everything in. Trees and the house roof, nice straight line contrasted with the sky, are his two favorite things.

We had to get a tanning bed for him, OK really it was for his jaundice levels. We hated to put him in it... we just wanted to hold him all the time! He did good though and only had to be in there for a couple days.

The other fun thing is dressing him up! All these cute outfits, they all were so big at the beginning, but his diapers were so cute and small.

It was definitely a learning experience for all of us, trying to figure each other out and how to comfort him and understand his needs. I don't think we slept much at all that first week, but it was so fun and so well worth every bit of it. We learned how to be fast changing diapers otherwise we'd have to clean up two messes and found that our little guy loved to eat, a trait he still has. Our beautiful little boy was finally here, yay!