Clyde Lake with Jer, Jord, and Gunner

Slept under the stars!

Kings Peak... 13,528... The roof of Utah
A group of people I work with wanted a little adventure so we decided to hike to kings peak. It is the tallest peak in Ut and one that I needed to put on my list. So we made it into an over-nighter and through sun, rain, and hail a couple of us made it to the top and luckily all of us made it home because when we hiked back out to the car, the battery was dead and it was 11pm at night. Luckily their was a couple guys behind us that gave us a jump and a nice warm car to go home in. Way fun trip and a great group on people to be with and enjoy the beauty of the high uinta's.
Lots of rain, especially on the way out we were soaked to the bone.
Amy and I made it to the top!
Fishing at Dollar Lake where we camped
The group, Amy, me, John, Jeff, and Ben, and Charlie the dog